2022 產業及學術國際領袖體驗講座 (II/ALE Program)
1. 你想要有練習英語口說和寫作的機會嗎?
2. 活動時間: 2022 7/4-7/22 為期3週之線上工程營隊。
3. II/ALE 已有16年歷史,為校內最受歡迎的全英語暑期營隊。
4. 本校學生與姊妹校外籍生在線上共同上課,實作專題,期末展演,內容豐富多元。
5. 適合工學院及電資學院同學參加
6. 3學分正式課程,可以當作自由學分喔。
7. CP值超高,只要500元報名費就能擁有3週精采的國際交流和跨領域實作體會。
8. 名額有限,請踴躍報名,6/10截止報名。
9. 本報名網頁(報名連結)有選課登記表,填完後請回傳到所屬學院。
1. Making English speaking friends without going overseas.
2. II/ALE, lasting for 16 years, is the most popular full-English summer program in CYCU.
3. Date: July 04- July.22 (3 weeks), 3 credits program.
4. Due to Covid-19, the on-line lectures and engineering projects are offered for students from sister universities abroad.
5. High CP, charge 500 TWD only.
6. Aavailable to students in College of Engineering, and College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
7. Seats are limited! Registering is available until June 10.
8. Please fill up the registration form at this page(LINK) and send back to your College office。
1. 你想要有練習英語口說和寫作的機會嗎?
2. 活動時間: 2022 7/4-7/22 為期3週之線上工程營隊。
3. II/ALE 已有16年歷史,為校內最受歡迎的全英語暑期營隊。
4. 本校學生與姊妹校外籍生在線上共同上課,實作專題,期末展演,內容豐富多元。
5. 適合工學院及電資學院同學參加
6. 3學分正式課程,可以當作自由學分喔。
7. CP值超高,只要500元報名費就能擁有3週精采的國際交流和跨領域實作體會。
8. 名額有限,請踴躍報名,6/10截止報名。
9. 本報名網頁(報名連結)有選課登記表,填完後請回傳到所屬學院。
1. Making English speaking friends without going overseas.
2. II/ALE, lasting for 16 years, is the most popular full-English summer program in CYCU.
3. Date: July 04- July.22 (3 weeks), 3 credits program.
4. Due to Covid-19, the on-line lectures and engineering projects are offered for students from sister universities abroad.
5. High CP, charge 500 TWD only.
6. Aavailable to students in College of Engineering, and College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
7. Seats are limited! Registering is available until June 10.
8. Please fill up the registration form at this page(LINK) and send back to your College office。